Daniel Casey Pottery Victoria British Columbia
Victoria, British Columbia
“Have nothing
in your house
that you
do not know
to be useful, or
believe to
be beautiful.”
William Morris
Artist’s Statement:
I have always been fascinated by clay. I have been collecting ceramics since my early adulthood and love the form and possibility of objects made with clay.
I moved to Vancouver Island in 2006. In 2009 I began formal instruction in clay with Muriel Sibley, Wintercreek Pottery, a local potter. I took to clay quite quickly and had my own studio within my first year of throwing. I have continued to explore clay with a variety of mediums, clay bodies, firing techniques and instructors.
My pieces fall generally in the functional range. I do a limited range of art pottery pieces in Raku, tile and specialty fired styles (soda or salt)
My influences are based in Antique Asian, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese, Ceramics and Porcelain. I am lucky to have experienced and collected the works of Judi Dyelle, Robin Hopper, Harlan House and Kayo O'Young. Their beautiful work inspire me as I strive to create my own voice in clay.
Daniel Casey
Victoria 2022